An issue has been plaguing me for quite a while- a long time
actually. I’m asking myself questions on the men we have in existence today. It
is not news that in this day, women seem to do well and do better than men.
Now, I know there are men who are doing well physically, mentally, spiritually
and emotionally but I would like to concentrate on men who believe that Jesus
died for them and is their personal Lord
and saviour; men who profess to be Christians, men who have relationships with
their maker. Why am I not seeing men like that now?
I am bothered about this because some time ago, a beloved
family friend told me that if I were to date anyone in Abuja, I should get
ready to expect that the person would be struggling especially if such a person
was honest person and a Christian. My question is why?
In today’s society, we are churning out men who are not
prepared or mature enough to handle even themselves. Our men are weak, lacking
vision, lacking courage, lacking strength...lacking everything.
Go out into the streets- you see the addicts- those
struggling with drugs, pornography, masturbation, fear, self esteem and
boldness. We see men who are nothing like the men they hope to be or we expect
them to be. Why is this happening? I believe this is because these men have no
fathers to look up to or mentors except the pop artists that always twist
their bodies on TV.
The average family in Nigeria and I daresay around the world
is dysfunctional. And I think that’s what’s happening to our men now. When a
man grows up in a family where there is no fatherly influence, except for the
grace of God and strong self will, he will turn out to be something else. Women
are now carrying the baton that their husbands left behind and are bringing
home the bacon. Then the same woman is expected to remain submissive to a man
who does not bring spiritual, mental, emotional, emotional input or fulfilment
to his wife, children, family and home. I have friends who see their mothers as
the strong one and frankly, women are tired of being strong (seriously, they
are). God did not make man first, I tell you. A woman’s shoulders were not
built to carry the responsibilities of a man. God does give grace especially in
scenarios where the woman is the only parent, but that was not God’s intention.
Check the bible and show me where women were the providers and the spiritual
leaders of their homes. Even when Angel Gabriel visited Mary and told her she
was to bring forth the Messiah, God still had to inform Joseph. Why? Because
Joseph was going to be the leader of their home and when he got married to
Mary, it was Joseph God spoke to, telling him to flee to the Egypt when Herod’s
genocide of young boys began.
But men will not go back to the place of prayer to stand in the gap for their families, for
themselves and for the status quo to change. Now, we leave it to our mothers,
our wives, sisters and girlfriends to lay prostrate crying and interceding for
our men to change.
Family wise, the man may be bringing home the bacon but is
emotionally distant or shut off from his wife and children. He’s not just
available and though he may make up for it by buying fancy things or taking
them on exotic vacations to compensate for his failure of being an unreachable
father, he fails to fill the void that God has created him to fill. The man
becomes unreachable emotionally. When his sons grow up, they learn to do what
daddy did; his mannerisms, his attitude, the way his speaks flippantly to their
mother; they see it- they may vow never to be like that but
they eventually become that. See, it’s beyond their father- who they
see. The blood of their father and the fathers in that lineage for hundreds of
generations run in the young man’s blood. How can he fight that?
Then there are men who have had no fathers or their fathers
left them, leaving only the woman to become both father and mother. Who do
those men look up? Sadly, before such men see great mentors they lean on
friends who take them down the wrong path or follow “mentors” going nowhere.
Where are our fathers? Where are those men who are
determined to ensure that the DNA of heaven imprinted in their blood will show
forth and be reproduced in the lives of their sons and brothers?
Take a look at 2 Kings 2. It’s such a rich chapter and my
eyes kept popping at what I read. WOW! In verse 8, you see that Elijah takes up
his mantle, rolls it up and strikes the water so he and Elisha, his “mentee”
can cross over and then Elijah asks Elisha for what he wants.
Fathers always have a legacy. Yes, there is something a
father passes to his son whether he has never seen his son before or he put his
son to bed each night. Elijah’s legacy was his mantle. Every son is requesting
something from their fathers. I see men in church who walk closely with my
Pastor begin to take on his mannerisms or something and most times, it is
unconscious. My uno numero acts like his Pastor and sometimes I hear T.D Jakes
in what he says. Why? These are two people he listens to a lot. So, on his
journey to becoming who God intends him to be, he can take certain legacies his
“mentors” have left and build it into his DNA. More on that later.
Elisha asked for a double portion of Elijah’s spirit. That’s
heavy stuff. Not God’s spirit, not the prophetic spirit, no. He asked for
Elijah’s spirit- times two! Is it any wonder that a father who began smoking at
30 would have a son who began at 15 or a son who smokes 10 packs a day while
his father smoked only 5? Should we be surprised when a man with cancer who
lives to, say, 80, would have a son with cancer and live up to 40 or 50?
Do not deceive yourself, unless by grace and determination,
you are to be greater than your father in that thing you were notorious for. I
dated a man whose father was extremely wealthy but his mother was a concubine
who was not treated nicely. I think his father blamed his lack of progress on
the woman and son. Was it little wonder
that even though this young man did not want to be like his Father, eventually
began to show certain traits and characteristics that if he wasn’t careful, he
was going to be his father?
Let’s look at a different perspective in verse 10: Elijah
says Elisha asks a hard thing but nevertheless, if Elisha saw him being taken
away, Elisha would have the double portion of what he asked for. And Elisha
sees Elijah taken away and shouts, “My Father, My Father...”, rents his clothes
apart and takes the mantle Elijah left behind.
Some sons do not see their fathers or the legacies they left
behind. For some, their fathers did not leave any legacy but some Fathers may
have sown good seeds, made great investments, carried their families along but
their sons did not see it. They did not see or
regard their fathers and most likely their legacies of a good name, of
legal wealth , of courage, no, they did not see it so they cannot have a double
portion of the integrity their fathers had or the business acumen and financial
discipline that their fathers had. For
some reason, the sons did not catch the vision their fathers had. Did the
Fathers not carry their sons along? Or did the sons refuse to listen? What
happened? To my uno numero who took and is still taking whatever he can from
the two mentors as I mentioned earlier, some men have listened to the sermons
and did not see the mantle of humility, of great faith, of leadership that my
uno numero saw. Perhaps those mentors were not for them at that season but then
again, for some, it was for them but they did not catch it.
Let’s read on: Elisha goes back to the bank of Jordan they
had initially crossed (he’s alone now), strikes the water and says, “Where is
the God of Elijah?” and, watch this, the water parts so he can cross. This is
the third time the river Jordan is being parted (although the first time, the
river just moves from downstream to upstream). Wait for this: Some mantles our
fathers left us are so tattered and torn and dirty that they can’t even part a
bowl of water, talk more a stream. We have sons carrying mantles of debts,
soiled reputations, spiritual lethargy and laziness that our fathers have left
behind. Do we still wonder why things are going wrong in our society? We have
men who are already handicapped by the people they looked up to.
Men, sons, brothers, look at your life and see what mantle
you took from your father? It could be promiscuity, anger, bitterness or even
depression. Or perhaps you did not see that legacy you know your father had.
You can still have it back again. Esau lost the blessing- the legacy Isaac
passed on to Jacob- but his Father promised him that after a while, he would
break free from a life of servitude to his brother. That’s a sermon right
there, folks!
Where are our fathers? I do not want to focus on the men who
bore us, some who are already old, some who themselves were not given good
legacies/mantles. No, I’m talking to the young men who have families and are
yet to have. You are the father of your home. Stop waiting for your wife to be
the Spiritual leader of your home. Stop and refuse to be like Barak who
insisted that Deborah follow him to the battlefield even when God had already
told him He had delivered Jabin and Canaan into his hands. He did not mind that
the glory was going to go to Debbie; he was just scared to move into his
destiny. Let the men start to lead- I’m not talking about your ego- I’m talking
about you being a servant leader.
I’m has become a growing concern for me. Our
fathers need to see themselves for who they are and where they are going and
act accordingly transferring the right mantles to other people who will follow
in their steps. I hope this burns within you as it burns hotly within me. Start
to create for yourself a worthy mantle so others can have direction when your
time ceases on earth.
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