Sweet November!

I don't know what to call this post. 

I just know that the month of October was extremely busy for me and I didn't put up any posts. Oh, I tried and tried but for some reason I just didn't have the time to write and when I did I was tired;when I wasn't tired, I was lazy; when I wasn't lazy, I was blank. Yes, literally. I had a lot to write but I just couldn't write it down. 

This also means I did not fulfill my promises to myself as seen in  this post I did in August. So I didn't write four articles in October but  I did other stuff. I read more than two books, I gave recharge vouchers to more than 3 unsuspecting persons and for the other promises, I still have until December so we will see about that.

October was beautiful and full of activities for me. Some of which I will share here. November, I can't wait to experience. I can tell that before the month ends some amazing things are going to happen.

Happy November!
